Konica Minolta Bizhub

Konika Minolta biz hub c258 - translated in French is "Konika Minolta biz hub c258" as it is a brand name and model number that does not require translation.

Konika Minolta biz hub c258 - translated in French is 'Konika Minolta biz hub c258' as it is a brand name and model number that does not require translation.
Konika Minolta biz hub c258 - translated in French is 'Konika Minolta biz hub c258' as it is a brand name and model number that does not require translation.
Konika Minolta biz hub c258 - translated in French is 'Konika Minolta biz hub c258' as it is a brand name and model number that does not require translation.
Konika Minolta biz hub c258 - translated in French is 'Konika Minolta biz hub c258' as it is a brand name and model number that does not require translation.
Konika Minolta biz hub c258 - translated in French is 'Konika Minolta biz hub c258' as it is a brand name and model number that does not require translation.

Konika Minolta biz hub c258 - translated in French is 'Konika Minolta biz hub c258' as it is a brand name and model number that does not require translation.    Konika Minolta biz hub c258 - translated in French is 'Konika Minolta biz hub c258' as it is a brand name and model number that does not require translation.

Konika Minolta biz hub c258. L'imprimante fonctionne bien à part les bandes sur les impressions. Je suis sûr qu'une personne connaissant un peu mieux les photocopieurs laser que moi pourra résoudre le problème.

L'appareil dispose de bacs supplémentaires, d'une numérisation recto verso, d'une impression et d'une numérisation au format A3, ainsi que d'une mémoire supplémentaire permettant la reconnaissance de texte sur la sortie PDF de la numérisation. À récupérer en personne ou vous pouvez payer un service de coursier pour la collecte et je les aiderai à charger l'article.
Konika Minolta biz hub c258 - translated in French is 'Konika Minolta biz hub c258' as it is a brand name and model number that does not require translation.    Konika Minolta biz hub c258 - translated in French is 'Konika Minolta biz hub c258' as it is a brand name and model number that does not require translation.